
Attention 2009

Performative Interventions in Urban Space, Forde, Geneva, Switzerland
Performance aux abords de la statue commémorant, l'assasinat de Sissi, l'impératrice d'Autriche

Parasite Architecture is rooted in the idea of the "informal", meaning everything which is temporary, inchoate, weak, imperfect, unfinished or formless. The concept of the "informal" was developed by various artists, theorists, and architects since the 1960s. The analysis is carried out in the context of questioning aspects of social communication (Gordon Matta-Clark), . . .

Performance aux abords de la statue commémorant, l'assasinat de Sissi, l'impératrice d'Autriche
Forde Independent art space founded in Geneva, Switzerland
Curated by Madeleine Amsler and Véronique Yersin.